The best way to grow your business with affiliate program Discover the options and features of our affiliate platform.
Welcome to our platform digitalstore Marketplace for your shopping.
List your digital products and services on our marketplace and generate up to 90% of the revenue from sales made through your affiliate link. What sets us apart from other online websites is that if you sell a product or service as an affiliate or as a merchant, you will always be paid instantly to your account (PayPal, or by bank transfer). Create your free account now... Earn more money as an affiliate with our products and services.
They can’t be wrong
Many more to come
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Available for only $16
Our Features
Customer Support
We offer a customer service permanant to answer your questions.
Payment Flexibility
Receive payments for selling your products via PayPal, AlertPay or Moneybookers.
Affiliate Management
Access to all names and emails of your affiliates and contact them at any time.
Selling a product
We take care of everything to deliver your products to your customers safely ...
Affiliate Program
Simple, fast and free to set up and enjoy all our aventages ...
Online store
A growing library of products already present in different niches ...
Generate income
Earn instant commissions ranging from 10% to 75% of the sale price ...
Tempe real Statistics
A reliable and accurate tracking allows you to track the performance of all your promotions.